How do you feel about the importance of sex education in primary schools? Are you in favor of breaking down opinions about it as a taboo topic, or would you rather skip it? As a parent, how important is it to educate your child from an early age? And what do experts say about this?
Sex Ed on Kids: Is it Ok?
There is nothing worse than when a parent violates their own child’s will to learn and grow. “Mom, how did my brother get out of you?” “You’ll find out when you grow up.” “Why can’t some moms and dads live together anymore? Does that mean you might stop loving me too, so we don’t live together anymore?” “Of course not, but don’t worry about it now. It’s too complicated. Go play.”
That way, you are also scaring a child out of a big complicated world. You leave the child feeling insecure, ignorant, and insufficient. We understand that it is sometimes uncomfortable for parents to go into details with their children. That is, many think that children deserve to learn math, piano, second language, and species classification, but somehow, teaching sex education to kids in primary schools is taboo.
What they know will give them confidence because knowledge is power. Also, it will encourage their curiosity to explore their body and feel that they belong to this world. Not only will they learn to love and respect themselves, but they will know what dangers lurk and how to avoid them. Do we need more reasons to normalize sex education in primary schools?
Teach Sex Ed With Deep Knowledge
Among adults, we will rarely find a person who does not know the medical names for the sexual organs and where babies come from. However, this is not a topic for any teacher.
Not only does being an educator about this topic require deep knowledge, but you also need to know the techniques through which the easiest, most painless way to bring this knowledge closer to children.
Although we have made progress in positive discipline, expanded our importance, and stifled assumptions that children do not need to know everything, some schools have not paid enough attention to these subjects. In some schools, it is still a complete taboo, and it is almost forbidden to ask.
Sex educators need to know well the group of children they will teach. They need to determine the best way to present knowledge by their age, maturity, and behavior as a group. It can be presented by visual techniques, even by application.
Montessori cards are the funniest way to learn, with children starting to love the subject. Whatever method the teacher uses, it must aim at those children. It is also important that children develop a healthy attitude towards sex. Sexual organs and the life cycle of a person are to normalize.
Expand the Scope About Sex Education
Topics to cover are not just the answer to the question “Where do babies come from?” First of all, the teacher must determine how well children know the anatomy of their bodies.
They should also understand the anatomy of the body of the opposite sex. They should learn the function of organs, bones, and muscles and then briefly about the functional systems. The lesson on the cycle of the human being needs to be thorough because this is where the first questions come from, and the group to which we teach this topic is delicate. Roughly, these are children from 6 to 8 years old.
Of course, we will not explain the act of sex to such small children. What we can tell them is that there is a love between mom and dad from which a child is born. And then you can explain something about how it happens and how the baby actually arises in the mother’s womb.
The topic of abstinence, as well as sexually transmitted diseases, should be covered in the classes. Not to mention a few words about people who can sexually harm them, how to recognize these people and their acts, and who to contact for help.
No Sugarcoating, No Euphemisms
Be blatant about the terms. Be an optimist. Help children build healthy relationships with their bodies. Don’t let them favor fake body images and feel ashamed. Be as relaxed as possible. You are the one who should encourage a child to mature. Offer them verbal exercises to practice talking about this taboo topic.
The next day, when they have a partner themselves and talk freely about what they like and dislike, it will be easier for them to enter into a healthy relationship and even easier to end the toxic one.
One of the most important reasons why teaching sex education to kids is to know their limits and stay safe. The second is to normalize sex terms like male chastity or penetration and have self-confidence.
The penis is the penis, not the wee-wee, and the vagina should not be called pet names. Dear parents and lecturers, do you know how humiliating it is for a child to grow up ashamed of himself?
Sex Education Implications on Primary Schools
Most conscientious teenagers have the confidence to set boundaries in a love relationship. Most of these teenagers grew up in an environment where sex was not taboo. Their parents and teachers did not punish them if they asked for an explanation of a word they had not heard before.
Sexually transmitted diseases don’t range from those discussed with various types of contraception. These are children whose parents were conscientious enough to explain all the terms to the child and then set aside special money for that.
The highest number of teen pregnancies is among girls whose parents have low education. The percentage is high with children who attend a school that does not cover this topic too. These are mostly schools with a low budget.
Teaching sex education in primary school can only have a positive effect on a child later. When we teach kids that these are intimate parts that we are not ashamed of, but we do not show them to everyone because it is dangerous, we open the door to a healthy future.